rails api v1

Parth Modi generates executable docs for his Rails API using swagger-docs and swagger-ui. ... If everything goes smoothly, you will see a few files generated in the public/ directory, specifically inside the public/api/v1/. If the files are not generated,

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Ruby是一種為了物件導向而創的簡單快捷的腳本語。它擁有簡單易懂,方便好學的特性,能減少程式設計時候的不必要的瑣碎時間。Ruby語言通常非常直觀,會按照設計者希望的運行方式來執行。 擁有簡單易懂,方便好學的特性。 ...

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  • RoR home; full stack, Web application framework optimized for sustainable programming prod...
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